
The Detroit Lakes Development Authority was established by the City Council in 1985 to carry out economic and industrial development and redevelopment within the City of Detroit Lakes in accordance with the policies established by the Council. The Authority was established in 1985 in accordance with State Statutes, Chapter 173, with the same powers as a port authority as specified in Minnesota Statutes, Section 458.09 and with the powers of a Housing and Redevelopment Authority as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462. Ordinance No. 5 of the City of Detroit Lakes defines the Authority’s responsibility to the Council and sets forth its procedures and responsibility for promoting economic and industrial development and redevelopment within the City. The Development Authority’s policies and activities are consistent with City policies. The Development Authority is a public enterprise, which has a unique responsibility to the community and works closely with the private sector on economic and industrial expansion activities. The Development Authority is attempting to create jobs and broaden the community’s tax base by encouraging private industry to locate or expand in Detroit Lakes. The Authority believes that public and private sector cooperation is the key to attracting new development to the community and encouraging future growth in the City’s business sector.

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