COMMUNIT Y A LLIA NCE CHURCH of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Sunday Services 8am, 9:30am, & 1lam (with ASL interpretation at 11am) Childcare avadable during all services for ages 0-3. Sunday School a 9:30am for ll es (r the rekel yrur) and childrex's churck for ges 3-5 during the 11an service. Oak Grove Cemetery Community Allia nce Church e xists to big lory to God through Real Hope, Real Relationships Real Worslp, & Real Vietory! Find www.Cacdl.COM C irch Dr 408 Elm St w more information at Central St W Listen to "Real Hope" on Sunday Mornings 102.3FM 9:05am 408 Elm St w, Detroit Lakes, M 218-847-2266