CATERING spirre Private Parties - Special Occasions Banquet Rooms or Off-Site BAR & GRILL "Stop in while here for the 85th Northwest Water Carnival!" D La e happy hour 3-6pm Spiie Firt MONDAY-1/2 PRICE BOTTLES OF WINE ALL DAY $450 domestic pints all day $350 during Happy hour 1100 North Shore Drive, Detroit Lakes MN 218-844-FIRE (3473) f LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED CATERING spirre Private Parties - Special Occasions Banquet Rooms or Off-Site BAR & GRILL "Stop in while here for the 85th Northwest Water Carnival!" D La e happy hour 3-6pm Spiie Firt MONDAY-1/2 PRICE BOTTLES OF WINE ALL DAY $450 domestic pints all day $350 during Happy hour 1100 North Shore Drive, Detroit Lakes MN 218-844-FIRE (3473) f LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED