Neighbor to Neighbor was established in 2001 as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. It was founded by a group of Frazee & Vergas community citizens with a passion to help area elders over age 60 to remain in their homes as long as possible. Neighbor to Neighbor provides senior citizens in the cities of Frazee, MN and Vergas, MN and the surrounding 7 townships with options to prevent nursing home placement. We do this by providing services such as Transportation, Meals on Wheels, Referrals, Senior Socials, Household and Handyman services, Health and Exercise classes, Friendly visits, Wheelchair and medical hardware loans, and Health and Wellness assessments and visits. These services are designed to make the maximum use of volunteers with part-time paid staff to coordinate and supervise the individual services required.
We affiliate with the Living at Home Network and follow the core home and community-based service model they have developed. The overall goal is to provide less expensive home-based services that reduce the need for nursing homes and upgrade the quality of life for seniors as they age in their own homes. This is a win/win situation as most seniors want to be independent as long as possible and there is much more efficient use of government and donated resources.