Say YES To Savings! Open a Youth Savings Account Today MIDMINNESOTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Earn dollars, not pennies. DETROIT LAKES 3.00%APY on all balances under $500, then .05%APY on all balances over $500 No monthly fees or monthly minimum deposit For ages 0 - 17 years old (218) 844-5540 | Certan rerictons apply Spek taa Menber Severs Specalon far acount detak. APY Amual Permtage Yelt APYwl unge. 05-300N" Unt ore acount per sad seraty tunbec Fedealyinured by MOA Say YES To Savings! Open a Youth Savings Account Today MIDMINNESOTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Earn dollars, not pennies. DETROIT LAKES 3.00%APY on all balances under $500, then .05%APY on all balances over $500 No monthly fees or monthly minimum deposit For ages 0 - 17 years old (218) 844-5540 | Certan rerictons apply Spek taa Menber Severs Specalon far acount detak. APY Amual Permtage Yelt APYwl unge. 05-300N" Unt ore acount per sad seraty tunbec Fedealyinured by MOA