Mid Minnesota is proud to be a nominee for BEST MORTGAGE LENDER BEST CREDIT UNION BEST LARGE BUSINESS "MMFCU does care about their employees and members. They provide many resources to strengthen your inances." - Sue Pavek Detroit Lakes Assistant Branch Manager MIDMINNESOTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION DETROIT LAKES | 1405 HWY 10 W | (218) 844-5540 | mmfcu.org Federally insumed by NCUAL Equal Housing Lender Mid Minnesota is proud to be a nominee for BEST MORTGAGE LENDER BEST CREDIT UNION BEST LARGE BUSINESS " MMFCU does care about their employees and members . They provide many resources to strengthen your inances . " - Sue Pavek Detroit Lakes Assistant Branch Manager MIDMINNESOTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION DETROIT LAKES | 1405 HWY 10 W | ( 218 ) 844-5540 | mmfcu.org Federally insumed by NCUAL Equal Housing Lender